How To Correctly Store Your Contacts

How To Correctly Store Your Contacts

Keeping your contacts stored safely is easy when you know how

With something as brittle and sensitive to your eyes as contact lenses, it’s important to make sure that you keep them clean and safe. This is why knowing how to correctly store your contacts is vital.

It doesn’t matter if you wear contact lenses for seeing or they are colored contacts, the way you store your lenses is crucial to your health and the health of your contacts.

You can’t afford to take chances with anything to do with your eyes and especially putting in contact lenses. 

There are a number of problems that come with wearing any contact lenses but the chances of suffering from any of these is much more unlikely when you store and care for your lenses correctly.

The issues some people face with contacts include;

  • Blurred vision 
  • Burning and irritation
  • Itchiness
  • Dry eyes
  • Redness and inflammation 
  • Grittiness 

Some find that contact lenses are difficult to put in and/or remove.

Serious issues can occur such as cutting down on the oxygen supply to the cornea of the eye.

How to use your contact lenses properly

If you are new to wearing contacts and especially colour contact lenses, then you will need to keep in mind that you are putting something foreign over your eyeball. 

There is no problem with doing this, but this is when hygiene and care is all the more important or you could risk damaging your eyes or creating a breeding ground for bacteria.

Before you begin to use your lenses, make sure you have everything you need to look after them.

The list includes;

  1. Your contact lens case
  2. Lens solution
  3. An anti-bacterial soap – not normal everyday soap or soap foams, etc.
  4. A towel that is lint-free – do not use paper towels or any towel that has fluff
  5. A well-lit mirror to see yourself in
  6. And attention to detail and hygiene

It’s a good idea to create a routine when you are using and storing your contact lenses. Using the same lens first (either left or right) each and every time will help you from being confused about which lens is which.

Washing your hands thoroughly with the anti-bacterial soap helps keep your hands clean and drying them with the lint-free towel means you are ready to handle your lenses. 

Make sure that no water comes into contact with your contact lenses.

How to handle your contact lenses

With clean and dry hands, you can now handle your lenses. 

If your lenses need to be cleaned, then you will need to the lens in the palm of your hand and then squeeze one or two drops of your multi-purpose lens solution over the lens. Then you simply stroke the lens back and forth for 15 seconds on that side and flip the lens over and repeat the cleaning strokes again. 

You will need to store this lens before cleaning the other.

Open your lens case and place the contact lens inside (remembering to stick to your routine of your left or right lens first). Having your lens put in before the solution is added helps to prevent the risk of damaging your contacts.

Now you can add your fresh amount of lens solution.

Then you are ready to repeat the process of cleaning and storing for the other lens. 

How to store your contact lenses

There’s a few crucial things to remember when it comes to looking after your contact lenses and one of the most important is how to store them away correctly.

Keep your contacts stored in fresh contact solution in your contact lens case whenever you’re not wearing them. Take note of how long you can wear your lenses.

There are different expiry dates for eye contacts for seeing as well as contact lenses in the shade of your choice. 

Most coloured lenses come in 1 Day, 1 Month, 3 Month and Yearly varieties. All lenses should only be worn for their prescribed time period. In most instances, that is up to 8 hours.

Then it is a matter of storing your pair of lenses in your contact case.

Remember to clean the case after each use. It’s important to keep it open and dry between uses to minimise bacteria contaminating your lenses. Only when dry should you close the caps again.

The Do’s & Don’ts in caring for contact lenses 

Water is almost like an enemy of contact lenses as far as hygiene goes.

*Never, ever store your contacts in water or clean them with tap water.

Even if it is purified, tap water can often harbour bacteria and other microorganisms that can lead to a range of eye infections. Washing or storing your lenses in water will not disinfect them either.

*Never use or top up your old contact solution.

*Change your contact lenses case each month.

*Make sure you handle your contact lenses with care especially as fingernails can cut or scratch a lens. If you think you lens is scratched or damaged in any way, then discard it immediately and replace it.

The sensitivity of your eyes is nothing to take a chance with. If you feel your contact lenses are causing you discomfort or irritation, it is better to replace them rather than risk eye damage.

The popularity of coloured contact lenses

There has been an explosion in the use of coloured lenses. There is a growing number of people ordering coloured contactlenses online, Australia has been one of the biggest uptakers.

Whether it is for a special occasion, a milestone birthday, a Cosplay or Halloween Party or even

Everyone from pop and movie stars, Cosplayers and different acts within the corporate event entertainment field can be seen wearing eye-catching coloured lenses.

The range available has almost any look you can think of, from Natural to Cosplay, Fancy Dress and Halloween lenses.

Whether you choose normal contacts or you are using coloured lenses, it’s important that you buy quality contacts. For the coloured variety, it’s best to go for a EU quality certified brand.

Whatever you choose, remember to care for your lenses and store them correctly. After all, your eyes are very sensitive organs. It’s plain to see why you need to look after them.

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